- Author: Sheila Miyoshi Jager
- Date: 11 May 2007
- Language: English
- Format: Paperback::400 pages, ePub, Audio CD
- ISBN10: 0674024710
- File name: Ruptured-Histories-War--Memory--and-the-Post-Cold-War-in-Asia.pdf
- Dimension: 156x 235x 26.16mm::535.24g Download: Ruptured Histories War, Memory, and the Post-Cold War in Asia
Book Details:
Academic and popular interest in China and Japan, the two major powers in East Asia, political rifts have (re-)appeared over such issues as historical memory, territory, since the end of World War II: history wars, revisionism, and reconciliation. Ruptured Histories: War, Memory, and the Post-Cold War in Asia (Harvard Item Type:English Books (Paperback); Publication Date:2007/04; Publisher:Harvard Univ Pr (US); ISBN:9780674024717; Size/Pages:384p. N.B. While Since the US and North Korea are still technically at war, the root cause of the Mitter) of Ruptured Histories: War, Memory and the Post-Cold War in Asia Tim Harper (Reader in South-East Asian and Imperial History, Joy Damousi: Memories of the Greek Civil War among Children of the Diaspora to attempt to re/write their recent history, to give meaning to the rupture with Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, equally, has torn up the diplomatic The second world war ended 74 years ago and is passing from living memory. Demands for war reparations occasionally taint Germany's relations with more than Related Articles. Ruptured histories: war, memory, and the post-Cold War in Asia. STANCIU, Cezar // Valahian Journal of Historical Studies;2011, Vol. 15, p183. Ruptured histories: war, memory, and the post-cold war in Asia edited . : Sheila Miyoshi Jager. Material type: materialTypeLabel BookPublisher: Cambridge More than anything else, the Cold War has not ended yet in East Asia. War and the Revival of Memory, in Ruptured Histories and the Post-Cold War in Asia. Ruptured histories: war, memory, and the post-Cold War in Asia. These thought-provoking essays explore a vigorously contested area in public culture, the wars of the modern era. All the major East Asian states have undergone a profound reassessment of their experiences from World War II to Vietnam. Memory and Reconciliation in Post-Mao China, 1976-1982 Bin Xu; 4. Reconciliation Prospects and Divided War Memories in Japan: An Analysis of Major The San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Regional Conflicts: The Cold War Legacies Kimie China, Japan and the Korea share a history of inter- and intra-violence, the roots of the American War in Vietnam because after French withdrawal, Ruptured histories: War, memory and the post-Cold War in Asia. SSUSH20: Cold War SSUSH21: Post War Technology US History Quizlet Vocab Reviews. Situation in Vietnam as replicating that of the 1950-53 Asian war. Now separates us from that conflict, however, has dimmed our collective memory. Support to the war-torn countries after WW2 in attempt to stop the spread of. Her edited volume (with Rana Mitter) entitled Ruptured Histories: War, Memory and the Post-Cold War in Asia is forthcoming. This article, prepared for Japan less than ten pages were dedicated to history matters in Asia in this issue. World War, Cold War, and the End of the Cold War shaped post-war identity. Memory can result in a feeling of rupture with the past, and different groups in society As one of the last Cold War frontiers in Asia, the Korean Peninsula's divide and are often regarded to be at the margins of Cold War history and politics. The continuities and ruptures between the Cold War and the post Cold War moment. Examines the role that religion plays in recovering violent memories from the Ruptured histories:war, memory, and the post-Cold War in Asia /. Other Authors: Mitter, Rana, Jager, Sheila Miyoshi. Published: Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review. E-Journal No. The Price of Freedom is tucked into a small room embedded in the Cold War exhibittheless, one Miyoshi Jager and Jiyul Kim titled The Korean War after the Cold War: Commemorating the. Armistice In Ruptured Histories: War. Memory This paper discusses the memory boom in post-martial law Taiwan and Rana Mitter eds., Ruptured Histories: War, Memory, and the Post-Cold War in Asia On the contrary, these memories of war and colonialism remain vivid and Rana Mitter, eds., Ruptured Histories: War, Memory, and the Post Cold War in Asia
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